In the heart of Versailles, at The Brigade – a renowned unit specialized in tackling organized crime – Saïd (Sofian Khammes) takes charge of a team of exceptional young officers. As they confront a looming gang war that threatens to engulf Paris, Saïd must find his own path as the new leader, even as his methods clash with the charismatic former chief, Patrick (Bruno Todeschini), who has ties to a notorious thug.
The Brigade (B.R.I.), the French equivalent of the USA's S.W.A.T, specializes in high-stakes criminal cases and has a storied history, including involvement in major operations like the 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting and the November 2015 Paris attacks, as well as pursuing infamous criminals like Jacques Mesrine. Check out this gripping series of relentless pursuit and moral dilemmas in the world of crime and justice.