
1 season - Action | Crime

A specialised organised crime unit, Saïd leads a team of young elite police officers. Together, they must prevent a gang war from igniting Paris.

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More about the Brigade series

In the heart of Versailles, at The Brigade – a renowned unit specialized in tackling organized crime – Saïd (Sofian Khammes) takes charge of a team of exceptional young officers. As they confront a looming gang war that threatens to engulf Paris, Saïd must find his own path as the new leader, even as his methods clash with the charismatic former chief, Patrick (Bruno Todeschini), who has ties to a notorious thug.

The Brigade (B.R.I.), the French equivalent of the USA's S.W.A.T, specializes in high-stakes criminal cases and has a storied history, including involvement in major operations like the 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting and the November 2015 Paris attacks, as well as pursuing infamous criminals like Jacques Mesrine. Check out this gripping series of relentless pursuit and moral dilemmas in the world of crime and justice.

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Discover the characters

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Sofian Khammes

Sofian Khammes


Saïd has been chosen to head up the Versailles BRI, but he soon comes up against the realities of the field. Will he be able to find his place as chief without giving up on his values?

Sofian Khammes

Ophélie Bau


The only woman in the BRI, Vanessa is ready for anything. In the course of her duties, Vanessa kills a man for the first time. How can she accept a return to a normal life and stop defying death?

Sofian Khammes

Théo Christine

  • Sokrates

A former narcotics cop, he is transferred to the BRI... but his motivations are in fact personal. Will he be able to join the group despite his personal vendetta?

Sofian Khammes

Rabah Nait Oufella


Born into a family hostile to the police, joining the BRI was the only way he could escape from his background. But when Saïd arrives, he finds it hard to accept his new leadership.

Sofian Khammes

Waël Sersoub


In the field, he's the best performer. But Saïd asks him to be more flexible and to get things done. Manipulated by an informer, he begins to question himself profoundly.

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